A novel approach to Data Acquisition
Show me how ] iSCADA offers
the scientific community, academicians
and students a novel approach to conducting
experiments and scientific investigations. Measurements and
data acquired from laboratories or the field are transmitted
in real time to a central server on the Internet instead of
residing locally in stand-alone data loggers. Any number of
participants may view, analyze and collaborate using real time
data simultaneously available in real time anywhere in the
iSCADA in the Laboratory
Sampling conditions may be changed at any time during the
experiment via the Internet. Manual monitoring is ideal
for high sampling rates, while trending studies benefit from
automatic sampling schedules. Unlike stand-alone instruments
or data loggers, this web-based data acquisition tool has
virtually unlimited storage capacity.
iSCADA in the field
A wide range of connectivity options and the unique
architecture of iSCADA allows you to bring the laboratory to
your site or bring the site to your desktop. Monitoring and
controlling a full-featured data logging system installed at
remote locations frees the investigator from the many
limitations of traditional telemetry systems.
In-situ monitoring at sites with or without
existing Internet infrastructure is possible using any one, or
a combination of these connectivity options:-
- Terrestrial dialup
Mobile dialup
- Mobile always ON
RF Ethernet
- Satellite dialup
- Satellite ISDN
- Satellite broadband
Ethernet - LAN
Drag & Drop to design your own Instrument
Panel and Dashboard
iSCADA is a generic application, user-customizable to meet your
specific needs. Raw information from data loggers can be processed and
displayed in various objects like line charts, digital readouts, LEDs,
thermometers, etc. Analysis of recorded data (trending) is possible
while working online or offline, with a set of powerful and easy to
use analytical tool.
  Wide range of
Sensors & Transducers
The analogue front end of the iSACDA gateway accepts industry
standard 4-20mA or 0-5VDC outputs which available for most
scientific or industrial transducers. Exception-based
monitoring is also possible with volt-free contacts or 0/5VDC.